วันจันทร์ที่ 13 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2566

Death inside Humanity

Death inside humanity 

Human Life begins in the hope of happiness with full joy and peace to run the green grass, touch white snow, play on hot red sand, swim in the deep ocean, and long sleep in the vast universe mostly it is just an imagination of the modern world so what the reality of modern life what we are living for? The answer will be different for each person but almost all humans have one simple form of answer I want peace. May he or she have dinner in the 101 storage building with a gold-plated stake or Sleep on a dark cold street with a thin plastic sheet with a noisy sound? But are all people looking for safety first? May some few looking for extraordinary ambition it's not a problem in 8 billion population But there will be a big problem when 8 billion looking for extraordinary from one single place. 

As our natural", Which is full of life. Wherever your eyes go there is life from the world's top Himalayas to Challenger Deep from the green Amazon rainforest to the driest place Atacama desert there is life from tiny single-cell bacteria to 200 tons of blue whales from the dumbest Panda bear to the most intelligent human all living as they struggle because all living being love to live. 

From one perspective Our planet was created to live. Even if you are from a deep forest tribe from the Sahara desert or billion dollar kid from Wall Street all have the right to live in their own way, It's not just ideology or imagination but it should be a reality for every life but the truth is too far from imagination on our modern life where we lose our valuable life which we get only one time in this planet in the name of Religion Nationality  Ethnicity and Property 

Alas in the name of god. God the creator the supremacy over all living beings from the ameba to humans who give birth, yield, death, and life after death. One of the grander who always mystery among their followers how never visible to their descendants. However, their descendants faced misery entrail life but still hoped for the divine. This makes the Question of whether is there really Divine or do we just mistakenly envision God. Different tribes have a different versions of god, if you were born in a western society your god should be as white as Zeus or if u belong to the Indian sub-continent it must be in Green color then the African god must to black beyond me intentionally.

Whatever life must go on but the main abstract is how to figure about omnipotent by religion scripture or belief or imagination. there is dark space on this subject no one has creat or fulfilled this gap. This is a great problem in religious philosophy hope it will be fixed soon. 

To be continued soon..............
